What We Do


What We Do

Our Goal is to make a difference in our community by improving the life of children and seniors.

We support Youth KIWIN’S and Key Clubs in our three High Schools and they, in addition to working on their own service projects, also help our club in many of our service projects:

Some of our current service projects are:

  • Helping the senior nutrition program by delivering meals once a week.
  • Supporting one of Camarillo’s Cub Scout Packs.
  • Supporting a local food pantry.
  • Supporting Special Needs kids by supplying breakfast for their annual Aut2run fundraiser and helping with the VIP Soccer and Basketball sporting events.
  • Out latest signature project is supporting kidSTREAM, the new Children’s Museum in Camarillo, by funding children’s events, supplying books and purchasing 5 Magic Spun Chairs that will help child development especially those suffering from Autism. We are currently looking into other ways we can support this very special museum.



Some of our fundraising activities are:

  • Peanut day, where we provide bags of peanuts for donations to our Foundation. Support from our local businesses is always welcome.
  • Painting with a Purpose.
  • Breakfast fundraisers at Applebee’s
  • Manning a polling booth for elections.
  • This year we are planning to hold a Golf Tournament

Our club is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and, as a member, you have access to all Chamber events for networking. We therefore offer corporate membership as well as individual membership. We hold lunch meetings and for the busy members, an evening meeting once a month.